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Staff suggestions: How to stay occupied while practicing social distancing

April 3, 2020

For a few weeks, health and government officials have urged Michigan residents to stay at home when possible and to practice social distancing amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

But with social isolation comes boredom, and it might be difficult to stay happy and healthy during this time. Here are ideas, courtesy of some of our staffers, for staying occupied while practicing social distancing.

"I've been listening to music, sleeping, exercising and watching a lot of 'Parks and (Recreation).'"
Matt Dwyer, staff reporter

"Learning to cook more and watching my old favorite movie series like 'The Hunger Games.'"
Sara Tidwell, sports general assignment reporter


"I’ve been listening to my favorite albums and watching the movies I’ve always wanted to!"
Griffin Wiles, copy editor

"I've been painting a lot and doing general crafts with random stuff I have laying around. I also rearranged my entire apartment for the heck of it and scrubbed every surface."
Hannah Brock, cops and courts reporter


"I’ve had an apartment to myself, so I’ve been listening to music a little bit louder than normal and binging on copious amounts of TV shows and movies (I may or may not have dedicated an entire day to watching 'Love is Blind,' no shame)."
Emily Bevard, city general assignment reporter

"I bought a ukulele so I don't die of boredom, it's pretty fun!"
Karly Graham, academics reporter


"I've been practicing my drumming. I'd been playing for six years but stopped once I came to MSU."
SaMya Overall, campus features reporter

"I’ve been reading Marlon James’ smash-hit novel 'Black Leopard, Red Wolf.'"
Mark Ostermeyer, copy editor


"I've been doing a lot of baking, reading a lot and playing 'Super Mario World' from 1990."
Alan Hettinger, copy chief

"I’ve been focusing on clearing my mind by journaling, or doing one creative activity at least once a week to avoid anxiety and becoming overwhelmed."
Chandra Fleming, videographer


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