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Suspect arrested in sexual assault and armed robbery investigation

January 24, 2020
<p>An East Lansing police car photographed on Aug. 23, 2019. </p>

An East Lansing police car photographed on Aug. 23, 2019.

East Lansing Police Department, or ELPD, has made an arrest in regards to the sexual assault and armed robbery that occurred on the 2500 block on Abbot Road this morning, according to a press release from ELPD.

“We do have someone in custody on this case," ELPD Deputy Chief Steve Gonzalez said. "The individual has not been formally charged nor arraigned yet." 

The suspect entered an apartment, armed with a handgun, through an unlocked door this morning, according to the statement. While inside, the suspect physically and sexually assaulted three female victims.

The suspect also stole electronics from the victims, according to the statement.

The suspect is currently being held in the East Lansing jail, according to the statement. ELPD expects the suspect to be formally charged within the coming days.

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