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MSU student receives 11 month probation after threat of terrorism

January 30, 2020
<p>The East Lansing Police Department, photographed on Aug. 23, 2019. </p>

The East Lansing Police Department, photographed on Aug. 23, 2019.

Jennifer Spicer received 11 months of probation at her sentencing hearing in East Lansing 54B District Court Wednesday.

Her charges stem from an incident in which Spicer and boyfriend Rami Souguir, threatened an act of terrorism on Michigan State University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr. during the first week of classes this fall. 

Souguir faces the same charges as Spicer, a false report or threat of terrorism and using a computer to commit a crime. Spicer plead guilty to these charges in Nov. 2019. 

Spicer is required to complete a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention program along with 60 hours of community service. The program will pair her with a cognitive consultant, offering training on smart decision making.

During this time, she is to have no direct or indirect contact with President Stanley.

54B District Court Judge Andrea A. Larkin recognized the responsibility Spicer has taken for her actions and took her cooperation into consideration.

"When you took your plea back in November ... you expressed remorse at that time," Larkin said. "But more importantly than that, you took responsibility and you did not try to sugarcoat this as just an act of stupidity or immaturity."

Spicer's defense attorney, James White, added that he noticed her accountability over the past months.

“She’s taking this very, very seriously," White said. "She has an extraordinary amount of remorse.”

When asked for her comments on the incident, Spicer took the opportunity to apologize to those involved.

“I’m extremely sorry for all this time wasted ... and I’m sorry to President Stanley,” Spicer said.  

Spicer hopes to return to campus in the fall. 


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