Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MSU Razor Scooter Club thrives amid return of motorized scooters

October 3, 2019

Lime scooters might have arrived in East Lansing, but Michigan State’s Razor Scooter Club was here first.

MSU Razor Scooter Club Co-President Emily Rick began riding scooters again when her father cleaned out their garage and planned to get rid of them.

“I took them and I’ve been riding them all last summer around East Lansing, and I was like, ‘Why is there not a club for this?’” Rick said. 

Rick and Co-Presidents Camille Weaver and Kristina Wylin created the club with the help of member Seth Rozin.

The club was created to facilitate a scooter community on campus. Rick said she hopes to do some nonprofit work.

“We noticed that Birds (and Limes) were increasingly popular on campus … We want to give students that alternative experience that’s eco-friendly and simple to use,” Wylin said. “(A) great way to get to class.” 

RELATED: Lime scooters drop in downtown East Lansing

RELATED: Gotcha signs exclusive MSU agreement, demos scooters on campus

At each meeting, an online customer review of a Razor Scooter is read and a joke is told. The importance of scooter safety is also addressed, and at future meetings, the club will discuss ankle protection.

“We don’t want any of you face planting into the bricks,” Weaver said.

This week’s featured review was left on Amazon by Jonathan K. Park on Dec. 17, 2015. 

“I’m a 5’9” adult male and I use a Razor scooter! There, I admit it,” Park wrote. “I occasionally work nights in a hospital and I get bored. How do I occupy my boredom, you ask? Well, I get on my Razor and start gliding through the halls. I’m sure I’ve been caught on security cameras roaming the hallways. But so far, no security guards have come to stop me. I bet they wish they had one for themselves.”

Rick said she is not a fan of the Lime scooters on campus and thinks it would be better to invest in non-motorized scooters. However, Rick won’t deter people who use other types of scooters from joining the club.

“Any scooter can come to our meeting,” Rick said. “You might get shamed if it is electric … but still come.” 

The club plans to continue having meetings even when winter hits. Rick is looking into indoor facilities and hopes to coordinate with these facilities’ personnel.

“Wells (Hall) has (an) extremely nice surface to ride on,” Rick said. “The best stuff you’re going to get. ... We want to get people riding throughout the year.” 

The MSU Razor Scooter Club meets every other week at different locations on campus.

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