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Coffee and Conversation to discuss LGBTQ+ rights Sept. 22

September 20, 2019
<p>Blue Owl&#x27;s new East Lansing location on Albert Street on Feb. 27, 2019.</p>

Blue Owl's new East Lansing location on Albert Street on Feb. 27, 2019.

The East Lansing Human Relations Commission is holding a Coffee & Conversation event to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and rights Sept. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Blue Owl Coffee.

“What we are basically trying to do is provide outreach for these groups as well as talk about the issues that people face in our community,” City Council Member Aaron Stephens said. 

The commission invites any LGBTQ community residents and anyone interested in hearing and understanding their perspectives. 

“As much as we are a progressive city there are still issues when it comes to race, religion or any other protected classes,” Stephens said. “So it's really important that we are having these conversations.”

The meeting will discuss various topics related to the LGBTQ+ community and give members of the LGBTQ community the opportunity to talk about experiences they have had. 

“Sometimes it's just an informal conversation where we talk about experiences and then we go home with a better understanding of who are neighbors are," Stephens said. "Sometimes it's a conversation that leads to well maybe we should be doing this instead. It’s super informal and really good to hear different perspectives so I highly recommend people come out.” 

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