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Michigan Supreme Court denies Nassar appeals in Eaton County Court

April 4, 2019
Judge Janice Cunningham takes notes on the second day of sentencing for Larry Nassar on Feb. 2, 2018, in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faces three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County. (Annie Barker | State News)
Judge Janice Cunningham takes notes on the second day of sentencing for Larry Nassar on Feb. 2, 2018, in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faces three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County. (Annie Barker | State News)

The Michigan Supreme Court denied Larry Nassar's appeals for resentencing and by a new judge in Eaton County Circuit Court.

Nassar's lawyer's requested Eaton County Court Judge Janice Cunningham, who sentenced Nassar to 40 to 125 years in prison in February 2018, to allow Nassar to be resentenced and by a new judge.

The lawyers brought forth arguments on Sept. 6, 2018 that Judge Cunningham had let survivors of Nassar's abuse get off topic in their victim impact statements. A new judge was needed because the court had heard information not relevant to the case, they said.

Nassar's lawyers also appealed his Ingham County sentencing by Judge Rosemarie Aquilina to 40 to 125 years in prison in a plea agreement. His lawyers cited Aug. 3, 2018 bias from Judge Aquilina in their arguments.

Both Judge Cunningham and Aquilina denied requests for resentencing.

Nassar's appeals in the Michigan Court of Appeals are pending Ingham County Court saying Judge Aquilina showed bias in sentencing and should not determine whether Nassar should be resentenced.

The Michigan Attorney General's office issued a comment about Nassar's appeals.

“It is serendipitous that Larry Nassar’s applications for leave to appeal his sentencing in the Eaton County case was denied by the Michigan Supreme Court during Sexual Assault Awareness Month," Michigan Attorney General Spokesperson Kelly Rossman-McKinney said. "While we cannot reverse the reprehensible damage, destruction and pain he’s caused, we hope this brings some comfort to survivors knowing he will spend the rest of his life in prison.”

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