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Ex-MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon's preliminary hearing postponed

January 29, 2019
Former Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon is read her charges during her arraignment at the Eaton County Courthouse on Nov. 26, 2018. She is being charged with four counts of lying to a Peace Officer about the Nassar Investigation.
Former Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon is read her charges during her arraignment at the Eaton County Courthouse on Nov. 26, 2018. She is being charged with four counts of lying to a Peace Officer about the Nassar Investigation.

The first two days of former MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon's preliminary hearings have been adjourned, according to an Eaton County Court administrator. The hearings are now set to begin on Feb. 5.

Simon has been charged as a part of the Attorney General's investigation into Michigan State’s handling of Nassar’s sexual misconduct. She faces four counts of lying to investigators.

Two officers from the Michigan State Police interviewed Simon, according to court records, asking her if she had any knowledge of investigation into Nassar's misconduct prior to 2016. 

Simon told them she was aware in 2014 that a sports doctor was under investigation, but didn't know the nature of the investigation or that it was about Nassar.

The Michigan State Police procured documents in Simon's handwriting that suggest her knowledge of the 2014 investigation extends past her testimony. The court affidavit lists documents from a meeting between Simon and the head of the Title IX office at the time, supporting the Attorney General's charges.

The 2014 investigation followed a complaint from Amanda Thomashow, who said Nassar sexually assaulted her in an appointment.

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