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Allen earns weekly Honor Roll recognition for MSU women

January 29, 2019
<p>Senior center Jenna Allen looks for her teammates on Jan. 27, 2019 at the Crisler Arena. The Spartans would defeat the Wolverines 77-73.</p>

Senior center Jenna Allen looks for her teammates on Jan. 27, 2019 at the Crisler Arena. The Spartans would defeat the Wolverines 77-73.

Jenna Allen, a senior center on the women’s basketball team, was named to the Big Ten weekly Honor Roll for her performances in last week’s games.

Allen, and the then-No.23 Spartans, played Illinois and Michigan.

MSU won both games and Allen averaged 14.0 points, 8.0 rebounds and shot .632 from the field per game.

This is the not the first time Allen has been noticed for her work on the court. She was the Big Ten Player of the Week twice in December.

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