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East Lansing priest resigns after sexual harassment allegations

October 11, 2018

Amid sexual harassment allegations, East Lansing Rev. Mark Inglot resigned from being a pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and Saint John Student Center, according to a press release from the Catholic Diocese of Lansing.

Inglot submitted his resignation letter Oct. 11 and was placed on administrative leave from the parish. This follows a credible claim of sexual harassment was reported by a co-worker, according to the press release.

At St. Thomas Aquinas Church ex-MSU and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar served as an unpaid catechist for seventh graders.

Nassar is currently serving a 60-year federal prison term for child pornography.

While a part of St. Thomas Aquinas' parish he acted as a Eucharistic minister at St. John Church and Student Center, according to a State News article.

A previous press release from the Diocese of Lansing said it has been fully cooperative in the Michigan attorney general's office's investigation into the Catholic Church. 

"We will continue to assist in the attorney general’s investigation in any manner they request," the press release said. "We know of no one active in ministry in our diocese who has abused a child."

In the most recent press release, anyone who has been harassed or abused by church employees is encouraged to contact a third-party reporting service, Lighthouse by calling the hotline at 844-446-0009. In addition, anyone who has been harmed by a representative of the church is encouraged to contact law enforcement.

The attorney general's office has an open investigation into the Catholic Church. If anyone has information about the Catholic Church that they think would help in the investigation, they can submit a report to the attorney general's office. They can also call the investigation hotline at 844-324-3374.

Editor's note: This story was updated to reflect that Nassar served as an unpaid catchiest.

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