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Ingham County adds new prosecutor after increased sex assault cases

March 14, 2018

The Ingham County Prosecutor's Office is creating an additional assistant prosecutor's position to handle "the increased workload of sexual assault cases filed with our office," according to a press release.

The Ingham County Board of Commissioners voted to create the position on March 13.

"The Board has recognized the importance of prosecuting these violent offenses, and ensuring that we have the resources to meet the demand," the release said.

There is a 40 percent increase in criminal sexual conduct warrants in the past two years, compared to four years ago, the release said.

"While reported crimes do fluctuate from year to year, we believe that more victims have been moved to come forward and report sexual assault," the release said. "As a result of the Board’s action, the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office now has improved resources to seek justice in cases of sexual assault."

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