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'Rally for Common Sense Gun Violence Prevention' to be held Thursday

February 22, 2018

A Rally for Common Sense Gun Violence Prevention will be held on the steps of the Michigan Capitol on Thursday.

The rally will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. with time to speak with state representatives from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., depending on representatives' schedules.

According to the event's Facebook page, the rally will be hosted by MDP Justice Caucus, Young Democrats of Michigan, Abdul El-Sayed and nine other people and organizations.

According to the event's description, those at the rally plan to lobby for:

  • An assault weapons ban in Michigan, along with their only legal use being on a gun range 
  • Increasing funds for community mental health services
  • Increasing funds so schools can provide social workers and behavioral health resources in each building
  • Enforcing universal background checks for all firearms sales
  • Extreme risk protection orders 
  • Universal background checks 

There will also be several speakers at the rally, including candidates and elected leaders who are trying to pass gun reform laws, and students from Kalamazoo Central High School, who have created a petition to call for gun legislation

"While most students cannot vote, we are not voiceless to our society," the petition's description reads. "Ultimately, our goal is to pressure lawmakers to make comprehensive and responsible gun control policy to keep our schools and society safe."

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