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City working on repairs after Grand River water main break

January 8, 2018

A water main break on Grand River Avenue at Maplewood Drive occurred Monday morning, reducing traffic to one lane.

The break was likely because of low temperatures, Director of Public Works Scott House said. 

“Whenever you have seasonal transitions in temperature like this, it might increase the probability of a water main break,” House said.

Public works will maintain the water main pressure, with the goal of repairing the pipes without interrupting services to residents in the area, House said. If there is a service interruption, repair crews will contact impacted businesses and residents. 

The repairs will likely take all day, according to city officials. 

“Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what the real problem is, and also who does it impact, before we start executing repairs,” House said. 

Repair crews and public works isn’t sure which businesses and homes, if any, will be impacted yet. House advises drivers to remain patient with the repairs, and to contact the Board of Public Works with any other issues. 

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