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Nassar Eaton County preliminary examination hearing set for Friday

June 29, 2017

Ex-MSU doctor Larry Nassar will again appear in court — this time, in Eaton County. On Friday, Nassar will show up in the Eaton County District Court for a preliminary examination hearing, where he faces seven criminal sexual conduct charges of the first degree.

The preliminary examination hearing is being held to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to move forward with the case. 

Nassar is accused of sexually abusing patients and other young women with whom he came into contact. He was arrested in December 2016 on charges of possessing “at least 37,000” images of child pornography. He currently faces seven first-degree criminal sexual assault charges in the Eaton County District Court.

The seven counts come from three alleged victims. These alleged victims will testify on Friday.

One of these alleged victims testified in the preliminary examination hearing in the 55th District Court in Ingham County, which concluded Friday. In that case, she is known as "Victim A." She testified May 26.

Public access to "Victim A's" testimony will be restricted in the Eaton County Court, as set by Eaton County Judge Julie Reincke in April. Earlier, Judge Julie O'Neill was reassigned from the case after she "liked" a Facebook post from White Law PLLC critical of Nassar's defense.

At the conclusion of the preliminary examination hearing, it will be determined whether or not there is enough evidence to proceed. If the counts are bound over, it will be up to Nassar and his attorneys to decide whether or not Nassar will stand trial.

Follow the preliminary examination on Twitter and watch The State News website for additional coverage of the preliminary examination and other Nassar-related news.

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