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A look ahead at upcoming important June dates for MSU

June 13, 2017

The rest of June will be packed with court dates and meetings for three ex-MSU football players, ex-MSU doctor Larry Nassar and MSU administration. Here are dates to keep an eye on for the rest of this month.

Stick with The State News for reports on these events, and keep an eye out for new content daily. 

June 15 - Probable cause conference

The probable cause conference for the three ex-MSU football players charged with sexual assault will be held June 15 at 1 p.m.

Probable cause conferences are held after warrants are issued but before a preliminary examination hearing. They are held to accept early pleas or resolutions and to preserve victim testimony.

June 21 – Board of Trustees meeting and retreat

MSU's Board of Trustees will meet this month for its annual June meeting. This meeting will be the only public Board of Trustees meeting this summer.

During this meeting, the Board is expected to approve the budget and set tuition rates for MSU students.

June 22 – Preliminary examination hearing for three ex-MSU football players

The preliminary examination hearing for all three defendants is scheduled for 9 a.m., June 22 at the 54-B District Court.

The hearing is being held to determine whether there is enough evidence for the three students to stand trial against criminal sexual conduct charges.

June 23 – Final day of Nassar's preliminary examination hearing

Nassar's preliminary examination hearing in the 55th District Court will conclude this month with the final testimony from an alleged victim.

The preliminary examination, which began May 12 and continued May 26, is being held to determine whether there is enough evidence for Nassar to stand trial against certain criminal sexual assault charges.

After the final day of the examination, it will be determined whether or not Nassar will stand trial on these charges in Ingham County.

June 30 – Nassar case in Eaton County

Nassar's case in Eaton County will be held at the 56A District Court in Charlotte, Michigan at the end of this month. Nassar previously pleaded not guilty to 13 sexual misconduct charges. There are three alleged victims in this case.

One of these alleged victims is "Victim A," who testified on May 23 at the 55th District Court.

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