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17 counts against Nassar bound over to Ingham County Circuit Court

June 23, 2017
<p>Judge Donald Allen Jr looks at Larry Nassar during the final day of the preliminary examination hearing in the 55th District Court on June 23.</p>

Judge Donald Allen Jr looks at Larry Nassar during the final day of the preliminary examination hearing in the 55th District Court on June 23.

An additional 17 counts of criminal sexual conduct against ex-MSU doctor Larry Nassar will be bound over to the Ingham County Circuit Court, as determined Friday at the conclusion of Nassar's preliminary examination hearing in the 55th District Court.

55th District Court Judge Donald Allen Jr. ruled to bind these counts over to the Ingham County Circuit Court, where Nassar already faces charges. In essence, this means enough evidence was found within the testimonies to move the case forward.

The counts being bound over come from the six alleged victims in this case. Of the 17 counts, 12 are criminal sexual conduct of the first degree and five are criminal sexual conduct of the third degree.

Of the 12 first degree counts, four involve victims under 13 years old and the remaining eight involve victims between 13 and 15 years old.

Nassar is accused of sexually abusing patients and other young women with whom he came into contact. He was arrested in December 2016 on charges of possessing “at least 37,000” images of child pornography. He additionally faces criminal sexual assault charges in Ingham County and Eaton County.

The preliminary examination hearing began May 12 with testimonies from three alleged victims and continued May 26. Out of the six testimonies, all six included allegations of vaginal penetration and three included allegations of anal penetration.

"Victim F," as she is identified in court records, was expected to testify today, but did not, as her counts were dismissed.

Prosecuting attorney Angela Povilaitis said the prosecution is "choosing at this point not to go forward" with "Victim F's" testimony. 

MSU police Detective Sgt. Andrea Munford was called to testify. As part of her testimony, the court watched video evidence from August 2016 of Munford questioning Nassar after a complaint from Rachael Denhollander, who testified on May 12.

Throughout the video, Nassar discussed the importance and lack of feedback from patients and said his goal was not to hurt patients.

Nassar is currently being held without bond and is in federal custody, according to Povilaitis.

No additional court date has been determined yet, Povilaitis said. She added that it will be up to Nassar and his attorneys to determine whether or not Nassar will go on trial against these charges.

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