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Three more alleged victims testify on the second day of Nassar's preliminary examination hearing

May 26, 2017

After the second of three days set aside for a preliminary examination hearing, it is still unclear as to whether or not ex-MSU doctor Larry Nassar will stand trial on charges of criminal sexual conduct at the Ingham County 55th District Court. The final testimony will take place June 23, the last day of the preliminary examination.

The preliminary examination is being held to determine whether there is enough evidence for Nassar to stand trial against certain criminal sexual assault charges. The hearing began May 12 with testimonies from three alleged victims.

Nassar is accused of sexually abusing patients and other young women with whom he came into contact. He was arrested in December 2016 on charges of possessing “at least 37,000” images of child pornography. He currently faces 15 first-degree criminal sexual assault charges in the 55th District Court in Ingham County.

On Friday, 55th District Court Judge Donald Allen Jr. heard testimonies from from "Victim D," "Victim A," "Victim E" and "Victim B," as they are identified in court records. The final witness, "Victim F," was not present at the court and will testify June 23.

Victim D

The day began with the cross-examination of "Victim D," a minor and gymnast who was treated by Nassar up until he was discharged from the university in September.

"Victim D" testified Nassar did help alleviate the pain she had coming into appointments, but she did not testify the treatments in question helped her medically.

When asked re-direct questions, "Victim D" testified Nassar never asked for consent to digitally penetrate her.

She said Nassar's digital penetration was "uncomfortable" and "yucky."

Victim A

"Victim A," another minor, was the next alleged victim to testify. She is also one of the alleged victims in the upcoming Eaton County Court case.

Media and public access to "Victim A's" testimony was restricted. Allen adopted the regulations set by Eaton County Judge Julie Reincke in April and allowed only six news outlets to remain in the courtroom during "Victim A's" testimony.

"Victim A" was 11 years old when she began seeing Nassar at MSU for a heel injury in 2012, according to the pool report. She testified Nassar massaged her vaginal area and digitally penetrated her without a glove or consent.

She also testified her appointment would start with a chaperone, but the penetration occurred when the chaperone did not return to the room, according to the pool report. 

Both "Victim A" and "Victim D" testified they were digitally penetrated by Nassar in an MSU clinic without a chaperone after the 2014 investigation, which is a direct violation of MSU's sanction at the conclusion of the Title IX investigation.

Nassar was investigated by MSU's Office of Institutional Equity in 2014. At the conclusion of the Title IX investigation, Nassar was cleared and was required to have a chaperone when treating patients.

In the 2014 investigation, it was found Nassar allegedly chose the experts to evaluate him.

The alleged victim said reading the Indianapolis Star article that featured Rachael Denhollander, another alleged victim in this case who testified May 12, encouraged her to see Nassar's actions as red flags.

Victim E

"Victim E" is now 18 years old, but alleges she was digitally penetrated by Nassar in 2012, when she was a minor. She testifies she began having back pain related to her participation in competitive gymnastics when she was 10 or 11. She began to see multiple doctors for relief.

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She began seeing Nassar at an MSU clinic in 2011. She had a total of five appointments with him, she said.

"Victim E" testified Nassar diagnosed her with scoliosis and Scheuermann's disease, both spinal problems. She said she later went to a doctor in Ann Arbor who said she saw no signs of Scheuermann's disease and the scoliosis was not as severe as Nassar had diagnosed.

Her testimony included common themes seen from other alleged victims — a parent was present in the medical examination room during the time of alleged penetration. Nassar did not ask for consent before penetration and Nassar did not use gloves during penetration. She wore loose athletic clothing during the appointment and she was given a gift from Nassar, a pin.

"Victim E" said she is still upset and angry and now has trust issues.

"It has taken away from my senior year, which is supposed to be the most fun year of my life," she said. "It's been on my mind all the time. It feels like I can't get away from it."

Victim B

"Victim B" was the third minor to testify in today's portion of the preliminary examination hearing. She alleges she was digitally penetrated by Nassar both vaginally and anally on multiple occasions.

Nassar began treating "Victim B" when she started experiencing back problems in 2010 as a competitive gymnast.

"Victim B's" testimony was similar to "Victim E's" in that it also included common themes from other alleged victims. "Victim B" also said a parent was present in the exam room during the alleged penetration, Nassar did not ask for consent before penetration, Nassar did not use gloves during penetration, she wore loose athletic clothing during the appointment and she was given a gift from Nassar, a metallic green leotard.

"Victim B" said she is still very uncomfortable talking about the appointments with Nassar.

"I'm very uncomfortable being touched in any way, shape or form," she said.

The preliminary examination hearing will pick up with the last testimony from "Victim F" on June 23 at 9 a.m. After the final day of the preliminary examination, it will be determined whether or not Nassar will stand trial on these charges.

Stay with The State News for more Nassar-related news.


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