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42 crimes reported to MSUPD during spring break

March 13, 2017

There were 42 crimes reported to MSU police from March 3 to March 12, according to the Clery Crime and Fire Log. During spring break 2016, MSUPD responded to 61 crimes.

On March 6 a burglary was reported as well as criminal sexual conduct second degree in Wonders Hall. The case is active. There were no criminal sexual conducts reported during last year's 2016 spring break, but two burglaries occurred. 

Two cases of nonaggravated assault were reported — one on March 5 at the Amtrak Station and one on March 3 at Williams Hall.

There were three incidents of possession of marijuana, two on March 3, and the cases are currently inactive. Another occurred on March 4 and also involved methamphetamine. This case is also currently inactive.

Four cases of identity theft were reported. All the cases are active. A case of retail fraud theft was also reported at the Union.

There are two active cases of damage to public property that were reported at Bryan Hall and Snyder Hall.

For a complete list of crimes that occurred during spring break, see the MSUPD Clery Crime and Fire Log.

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