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Man arrested for marijuana, allegedy asks officer if he wants hit

January 12, 2017
<p>Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News</p>

Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News

MSU police reported multiple crimes during break and have released details on two cases: violation of a controlled substance and a liquor violation.

Violation of controlled substance

At approximately 8 a.m. on Jan. 4, two MSU police department detectives were stopped at a traffic light at the southbound intersection of Harrison Road and Trowbridge Road. Another vehicle alongside the police car contained three subjects passing around a cigarette type of object wrapped in brown paper. Every subject took a draw of of the cigarette.

"Due to officers' training and experience, they know that marijuana, quite (often), is wrapped in brown cigar paper," MSU police Capt. Doug Monette said.

One officer rolled his window down and the driver of the other vehicle also had his or her window down. One of the officers then smelled the odor of burning marijuana.

"The subject waved the marijuana cigarette in the air, made eye contact with the detective and asked him if he wanted to take a hit," Monette said.

After the light turned green, the subjects were pulled over and issued citations for marijuana. The driver was then arrested for driving with a suspended license. The other two subjects were released at the scene.

Liquor violation

On Jan. 1 at Michigan Avenue and Beal Street, an officer made a stop for driving without headlights on. Upon making contact, the officer could smell alcohol.

"The officer then cited the driver for having open alcohol in a motor vehicle," Monette said.

According to the Clery Crime Log, the subject was also arrested. 

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