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TSN Podcast 24: A Penn State rant plus going for two?

November 22, 2016
Senior quarterback Tyler O'Connor (7) holds out the football for a handoff during the first half of the game against Ohio State on Nov. 19, 2016 at Spartan Stadium. The Spartans were defeated by the Buckeyes, 17-16.
Senior quarterback Tyler O'Connor (7) holds out the football for a handoff during the first half of the game against Ohio State on Nov. 19, 2016 at Spartan Stadium. The Spartans were defeated by the Buckeyes, 17-16.

State News sports editor Casey Harrison and football writer Stephen Olschanski discuss MSU going for two late in the game against Ohio State, Stephen rants about the "rivalry" between MSU and Penn State and the guys talk about the clock error against FGCU.

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