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Harry Potter fans get glimpse of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"

November 18, 2016
Movie goers wait in line to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them on Nov. 17, 2016 at NCG - Eastwood Cinemas in Lansing. Some movie goers waited in line for over an hour.
Movie goers wait in line to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them on Nov. 17, 2016 at NCG - Eastwood Cinemas in Lansing. Some movie goers waited in line for over an hour.

Thursday night at NCG - Eastwood Cinemas, located on 2500 Showtime Dr., Harry Potter fans of East Lansing were able to get their first look at the new movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

Neuroscience senior Rohini Shrivastava was sitting in line with friends as they shared what they expected out of the sold out show.

"The trailers look really cool, I hope the effects they use are amazing because that is honestly what I'm looking forward to," Shrivastava said. "Also it takes place in the 20's in America. … There are flapper wizards, okay … I'm so excited for that!"

Fans were setting up camp in line as they patiently waited to experience J.K. Rowling's wizarding world of Harry Potter once again. 

Osteopathic Medicine doctoral student, Alex Meisel, was one of many die hard Harry Potter fans at NCG - Eastwood Cinemas last night. 

"I've always loved following their journey, the special effects and how they told the story in that world. … I was always fascinated by that," Meisel said. "I think that's the genius of her series, is she created this entire world from scratch. So I am happy she is exploring it and she's going out of that isolated group and taking it to America and other parts of the wizardly world."

At the premiere, fans discussed possible appearances from past characters of the Harry Potter series in the new "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

"There was a theory going around that you might see Voldemort when he's young because it was around the time he was born," Meisel said. "I thought that would be kind of interesting twist to kind of see him and then there's talk about Dumbledore being in this one as well because it's going to fall in his past." 

As college students, high schoolers, and families sat in the lobby for the 9 p.m. showing, those inside the theatre echoed cries of laughters, cheering and even screaming. 

The mixture of emotions only made fans outside the theatre excitement grow stronger. 

"I read the books in third grade and elementary school and I've reread them about 10 more times, so I'm a pretty big fan," Emma Busch said as she sat in line. "I was kind of nervous because I wanted it to be good and if it wasn't good then it would tarnish the perfect other Harry Potter movies."

After two hours and 12 minutes, at 8:30 p.m. the doors were released as smiling and whispering fans shuffled out. 

"It was really good!" Kate Brandyk said after seeing "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." "It was funnier than I thought it would be, I was laughing out loud. There were some scary parts, like I jumped."

MSU students without transportation can take Capitol Area Transportation Authority's number one bus to Studio C! Meridian Mall. Studio C! will be showing "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them," along with Butterbeer for $6 for a limited time. 

For showings at NCG - Eastwood Cinemas can be found on their website.

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