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Letter: ASMSU to revisit decision to invite presidential candidates

October 10, 2016


During the past few days, there have been some unfortunate actions that have occurred within the Associated Students of Michigan State University, or ASMSU. These actions have direct implications on several of our student communities on and off campus, and for that I sincerely apologize. 

On Oct. 5, a decision was made in conjunction with our Governmental Affairs department to invite presidential candidates to MSU on their campaign trail. This action was taken in consideration with standing policy of the 52nd session to invite a presidential candidate to campus. 

Shortly after, an image of the campaign letters was posted to our social media channels in an effort to be transparent about our invitations. Instances occurred where comments made on the page were allegedly direct attacks on other commenters of the post, and a decision was made by ASMSU staff to remove the comments. Upon immediate understanding that this was not truly the case, it was in my direction to unhide all comments on the page. I would like to express deepest apologies on behalf of the staff for these actions. We have since begun discussions about social media policies as it relates to the Association. 

My team and I have been listening to the concerns raised around the action to the invite presidential candidates to campus. Going forward, I am making a stronger commitment to include the General Assembly in our discussions as they relate to student experiences in our campus community. I am asking that all members of the General Assembly make an intentional effort to hold us accountable going forward. Moreover, I am also asking the undergraduate student body to continue to ask questions about your student government, and raise concerns when you see or hear about them. 

ASMSU Senior Leadership has decided to call a special meeting on Oct. 12 to discuss bill 53-20, a resolution to retract the invitations to campus of presidential candidates. Should the General Assembly vote to uphold the invitations, I have asked our Governmental Affairs team to work quickly to draft a plan of action as it relates to a presidential candidate event on campus, should any candidate choose to accept the invitation. This plan of action will include safety and security commitments that can be assured within the university, overall affecting campus climate and student well-being at MSU. This will be discussed with the General Assembly as soon as possible. We will be working extensively with our ASMSU Liaison for Diversity and Inclusion initiatives to increase efforts to educate our staff and General Assembly on topics and issues surrounding diversity and inclusion. 

At ASMSU, we are proud of the efforts to engage the undergraduate student body in various ways. I can assure you this experience has been an opportunity for us to be more communicative, transparent and open-minded to the future events and decisions that are made to empower the student experience at MSU. If you would like to personally discuss this matter with me or members of my team, please do not hesitate to do so. 


Lorenzo Santavicca

Lorenzo Santavicca is the undergraduate student body president at MSU. He can be contacted at 

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