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Slam poet uses Open Mic Night to recruit for her YouTube page

October 6, 2016

From the moment agribusiness management junior Alondra Alvizo stepped on stage, grabbed the microphone and recited her poem at Open Mic Night, you could tell how passionate she was about her talent.

Alvizo, a spoken word artist, fell in love with her craft after MSU and the Black Poet Society alumna Natasha T. Miller, visited her high school. Alvizo was inspired by Miller and began to view her videos and BPS’s videos on YouTube and attending their events.

“As a whole, T. Miller got me involved with poetry, but what really kept me into poetry was Black Poet Society,” she said. 

When Alvizo arrived to East Lansing, the Black Poet Society was disbanded. However, she didn't let that stop her from performing spoken word. 

Alvizo, along with a few others, worked to revive Black Poet Society at MSU. She said she credits both Miller and Black Poet Society for getting her into spoken word, and continues to perform at open mic nights, which she has been going to since her freshman year.

“Honestly it’s the vibes — it’s really good vibes here," Alvizo said. "People can just come and listen and it’s a very open and safe space to express yourself.”

In addition to Black Poet Society and Open Mic Night, Alvizo also runs a YouTube channel called Vizo's Voice. She started the channel on Sept. 5 and releases three videos a week, titled: "Teach me Tuesday," in which she teaches viewers about any topic, "Work of the Week Wednesday," in which she showcases other students' work and "Freeverse Friday," in which she performs her own work.

With her work week segments Alvizo allows other creators, both local and non-local, to showcase their talents, even if it is not spoken word. She includes poetry, dance and graphic design and said some of the talent she has been able to find and showcase has come directly from connections made through different open mic nights. 

Alvizo added that some campus organizations tune in to her channel and book talent through who she showcases.

Alvizo plans on going to open mic events in the future and continue to run her YouTube channel for the next two years. 

“I don’t know if I’m going to keep it for the next five years, but I know that definitely for the next two it is going to be a thing,” she said.

Those who would like to be showcased on Alvizo’s channel can contact her at 

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