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E.L. water safe to drink, advisory lifted

August 7, 2016
Interdisciplinary studies in social science senior Ricardo Vasquez demonstrates pouring bottled water onto his toothbrush on Feb. 12, 2016 at his home in Flint, Mich. Vasquez relies on bottled water to complete daily tasks since it isn't safe to use the tap water in his home.
Interdisciplinary studies in social science senior Ricardo Vasquez demonstrates pouring bottled water onto his toothbrush on Feb. 12, 2016 at his home in Flint, Mich. Vasquez relies on bottled water to complete daily tasks since it isn't safe to use the tap water in his home.

The East Lansing and Meridian Township boil-water advisory that was implemented on Aug. 5 has been lifted. Notifications were sent out midday Sunday via email, text and phone call to residents notifying them that water testing results proved that the water was safe for consumption. 

Previously, residents of the area had been advised to boil their drinking water to guarantee safety. Several businesses had to temporarily close following the breach, which had released harmful bacteria into the water supply. 

According to the city of East Lansing, the East Lansing Meridian Water and Sewer Authority lifted the advisory with the instruction of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality following two rounds of quality tests that registered negative for harmful bacteria. 

"The safety of our community members was always the first priority during this incident," East Lansing city manager George Lahanas said in a press release. "We understand this was an inconvenience of both the East Lansing and Meridian Township communities, and we would like to thank everyone for their patience over the past few days."

Residents are now clear to resume regular utilization of tap water for consumption and other uses.

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