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Music student puts on Cinderella-themed recital

April 20, 2016
Music performance masters student Catherine Goode sings before her recital on April 15, 2016 at Cook Recital Hall in the Music Building.
Music performance masters student Catherine Goode sings before her recital on April 15, 2016 at Cook Recital Hall in the Music Building.

The Cook Recital Hall was filled with soprano music, ringing vibrato and thunderous applause in response to Catherine Goode’s “The Story of Cinderella” vocal recital on April 15.

Goode is a graduate student studying vocal performance through the MSU College of Music. She decided to create her concert around a singular theme, which is a rarity among vocal recitals.

“All of the songs that I have picked for the recital fit somehow into the narrative of the cinderella story,” Goode said. “Even though the texts of the songs do not exactly line up with what is usually found in the Cinderella story, the content of the song fits at some point within the story of Cinderella.”

Another aspect that made Goode’s recital unique was that the entirety of the music in the recital was from female composers only.

Goode said music is the best way she knows to express herself. She pursued a music career because it was something that she was always surrounded by, she said.

“Both of my parents are music teachers, so I’ve been around music my entire life,” Goode said. “I just never really saw myself doing anything else.”

Goode said she always felt inspired by her parents musically, and they had a large role in her success in music.

“Well, I am obviously so proud of Catherine and all of her success,” Catherine’s mother, Janwin Overstreet-Goode, said. “She is just so musically talented, and we knew this even as she was a young girl. She has done so many amazing things in music.”

In the future, Goode said she is looking forward to auditioning for opera companies, hopefully being placed in a studio program. She is very flexible with her future plans, but is clear that her ultimate goal is to be performing.

“I just want to perform somehow, either with a company or I can make my own opportunities,” Goode said. “Perform. I just want to perform.”

Goode’s favorite song in the recital was the finale was from the opera "Cendrillon," and was also featured as the finale of Goode’s concert.

Goode performed this final piece with six of her colleagues, most of whom are her fellow graduate classmates in the MSU College of Music.

One of the six who performed in this piece alongside Goode was music performance masters students Christine Roberts.

“Catherine is probably the hardest working musician I have ever met in my entire life, and I’m not just saying that as a generalization — I mean that with every ounce of my being,” Roberts said. "She created this recital to make more opportunities for herself, and she has proceeded to do that throughout the entire year. If she wants something, she’ll do it.” 

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