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MSU student aims to "color up everybody" with tie-dye clothing

March 2, 2016
Computer engineering senior Craig Stoddard folds a shirt on Feb. 26, 2016 at his home in East Lansing. Stoddard makes tie dye shirts when he is not in class or studying and sells them online.
Computer engineering senior Craig Stoddard folds a shirt on Feb. 26, 2016 at his home in East Lansing. Stoddard makes tie dye shirts when he is not in class or studying and sells them online.

Hoping to “Show love, spread love,” computer engineering senior Craig Stoddard created a tie-dye business called Kaleidoscopic Apparel.

The name’s inspiration came from his girlfriend, journalism junior Rene Kiss because of the psychedelic nature of the clothing.

Originally, Stoddard and Kiss decided to tie-dye for a fun activity.

After a few tries, Stoddard realized his skill and said he enjoyed the bright pop of the colors.

Since starting eight months ago, he has sold shirts in countries across the globe including Australia, France and Sweden.

“My shirt selling experience has been surreal,” Stoddard said. “The thought of it becoming my career never hit me until I realized that my follower base on Instagram is about to peak 1,000 and my sales are nearly 300 plus (orders) in just a half year.”

Balancing school, a small business and a part-time job has not been an easy task, but Kiss said her boyfriend has talent.

“Craig’s tie-dye technique is what makes Kaleidoscopic Apparel unique and recognizable,“ Kiss said. “The way he incorporates logos from different artists within electronic music really makes the brand stand out because he appeals to a large audience of the rave scene.”

With limited supplies, Stoddard said he can only make a few shirts a night.

Stoddard said once he graduates he will be able to produce a lot more apparel. The popularity of his clothes has allowed him to be able to support food and entertainment costs in the meantime. In addition to shirts, Stoddard’s products include tie-dye hats and pins.

Stoddard said the world is in a negative state right now. With help of his vibrant shirts, he is hoping to spread love to anyone and everyone. In the future, Stoddard hopes to open a store in Grand Rapids or Holland, Mich.

“I am trying to put a mark out there and color up everybody,” Stoddard said. “Let’s start thinking about loving each other.”

Kaleidoscopic Apparel is popular among festival crowds. Stoddard said he still can’t believe his clothing brand is being worn by fans at these festivals.

“I have run into countless people at electronic music concerts wearing my shirts or claiming to know me as the ‘kaleidoscope guy’ on Etsy,” Stoddard said. “It’s so surreal to have that happen to you, and it’s what makes me keep going.”

Pricing ranges from approximately $13 to $35 for shirts and $25 to $30 for hats, according to Customers can customize shirts with different logos as well.

“We’ll go to a show and people will come up to him wearing one of his shirts and be like ‘Hey, you’re Kaleidoscopic Apparel! Dude this is my favorite shirt!’” Kiss said. "I think that’s one of the coolest things about his business."

Stoddard said he continues to get excited about his business. 

“It is like opening a Christmas present every morning when you’re washing shirts out,” Stoddard said.

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