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‘Students Organize for Syria’ hopes to help Syrians access education

February 21, 2016

The conflicts in Syria have hit close to home for physiology junior Tasneem Sannah as she has family living in the country.

This is the reason Sannah helped bring Students Organize for Syria, or SOS, to MSU. Sannah is an officer for the new chapter at MSU and the organization's slogan is "Books Not Bombs."

“I don’t want the people’s voices to be lost, the real Syrian people who are struggling for their freedom,” Sannah said. “If we can do something to help them, then I think we should.”

Sannah said access to education should be a priority for those trying to help.

"That’s the problem," Sannah said. "The fact that Syrians are not having access to a proper education, where they are too afraid to go to school. By going to school, they are risking their lives."

A main initiative of SOS is for students to sign the Books Not Bombs online petition under their participating college chapter.

By signing the petition, the campaign is asking MSU to join the Institute of International Education through the Syria Consortium.

The Syrian Consortium is a group of universities in the U.S. that have pledged to give a certain number of scholarships to Syrian refugees.

“We are asking MSU to join the Syrian Consortium and join these other schools who have already pledged to give scholarships to Syrian refugees,” James Madison College freshman Sumaya Malas, who is another officer of SOS, said. “These students wouldn’t have access to an education otherwise.”

According to its website, as of Feb. 18 the MSU Books Not Bombs petition had 519 signatures with a goal of 600.

“It’s a big deal — this has been going on for five years,” Malas said. “Million and millions of people have been displaced. There is a huge amount of people who are really in need and are suffering, and we can definitely do something to help them.”

Sannah said the group has a lot to work for.

“We want to spread awareness of the humanitarian disaster that is going on right now in Syria and to educate the world about these tragedies," Sannah said. "We want to promote the Syrian refugees’ right to their education.”

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