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Debunking common myths and rumors on campus

September 5, 2015
<p>The Union on Aug. 29, 2015.</p>

The Union on Aug. 29, 2015.

Have you heard?

New students, especially freshmen, have been told a lot of information about MSU in the past few days.

While most of it is true, there are still a few rumors that have been passed down among students and some of them just seem too good to be true.

The State News compiled a list of myths and asked freshmen and experts whether or not they believe these myths.

If you are hit by a CATA bus, you get free tuition.

This rumor is one of the most common ones that goes around campus. Unfortunately, it’s not true. As much as everyone would love free tuition, Val Meyers, the associate director in the office of financial aid, said no one gets to go to class for free.

“MSU doesn’t let anyone have free tuition for any reason. And I know that from common sense, not because I work in financial aid office,” Meyers said.

If you kiss someone in the shadows of the Beaumont Tower, that person is your true love.

This most likely isn’t true for the drunken make-out sessions at 1 a.m. – but you could always lure your crush into the shadows of Beaumont Tower for a stolen kiss. Never say never when it comes to myths like this.

“I think it’s something to it, but I wouldn’t 100 percent believe it,” accounting freshman Daniel Sosnowski said.

Biomedical laboratory science freshman Claire Mordi is one who hasn't fallen into the trap of believing in the rumor.

“A myth is called a myth for a reason,” Mordi said. “It just doesn’t seem reasonable.”

If you rub the Sparty statue's foot before a game or test, it’s good luck.

Many would argue if this superstition is true or not, but it’s always worth a try to find out. There's definitely been cases of people having good luck after rubbing the statue's foot, but no one knows for sure if Sparty is to thank for receiving a 4.0 on an exam.

“It’s just fun to go along with,” freshman Will Johnston said.

If you sing the second verse of the MSU Shadows song, you won’t graduate.

A lot of people have belt out the second verse of the alma mater song, known as MSU Shadows, but it’s doubtful that singing their love for their Alma Mater is why they didn’t graduate.

The second verse of the song goes "When from these scenes we wander/ And twilight shadows fade,/ Our mem'ry still will linger/ Where light and shadows played/ In the evening oft we'll gather/ And pledge our faith anew/ Sing our love for Alma Mater/ And thy praise, MSU."

Various dorm halls across campus are haunted.

There have been reports of sightings of apparitions in windows, or of a child-like laughter throughout the halls but there have also been reports of Bigfoot sightings, so, to each his own.

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“Don’t look too much into those myths," Mordi said. "I would just focus on the facts."


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