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Meng Long Li sentenced to one year in Ingham County Jail

July 15, 2015

MSU alumnus Meng Long Li was sentenced to one year in the Ingham County Jail for his assault on fellow international student Yan Li during the 2014 Chinese New Year.

Ingham County Judge Clinton Canady III handed down the sentence and ordered five months to be suspended and he was also ordered to pay $704 in restitution to the State of Michigan.

In Meng Long Li's second trial, the first ending in a hung jury earlier this year, he was found guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon and assault and battery last month. The weapon he used was a plastic water pitcher, although he still maintains his innocence, conceding he was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The max sentence for him could have been up to four years in prison.

He has 42 days to appeal the ruling. 

Check tomorrow's print edition of The State News for more details on the final remarks of the prosecution, his defense attorney and Meng Long Li himself. 

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