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Supreme Court ruling brings same-sex couples to Ingham County Clerk's office

June 26, 2015
<p>Rev. Nicolette Siragusa officiates a same-sex marriage on the steps of the Ingham County Clerk's office on Friday, June 26, 2015. </p>

Rev. Nicolette Siragusa officiates a same-sex marriage on the steps of the Ingham County Clerk's office on Friday, June 26, 2015. 

Following the Supreme Court's decision to declare same-sex marriages legal in all 50 states, couples in Michigan flocked to local courthouses to finally be married in the eyes of the law. 

"Today is a great day in history," said Hank Borden, cochair of Michigan Pride. "This morning, the Supreme Court issued a ruling that means same-sex couples will soon have the freedom to marry and equal respect for their marriages across America. It’s a great day and a great victory! We are so thankful to April and Jayne DeBoer-Rowse, their legal team, and all of the pioneers who have worked for years to make this a reality."

As of 12:30 p.m., two couples have been married on the steps of the Ingham County Clerk's office, whose doors will remain open 'until everyone has been served'. 

Stay with for updates. 

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