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Humans of East Lansing

April 15, 2015

Tow Corwin, Okemos Resident

“I was a high school counselor in Fowlerville for 34 years. I’ve been retired for about 11 years now. ... I volunteer (at the MSU Museum) two mornings a week. I also teach conversational English at the Friendship House. I’ve been at the museum and I’ve taught the class for nine years. You know, when you’re retired you still want to do things and I love information centers so I teach and volunteer here.

“I was in the Army Reserve in college. I spent my service in California in Monterey Bay, and California is my favorite state. There’s a highway that stretches from San Diego to Los Angeles, to San Francisco and into Seattle and up to Canada. Highway 1. It’s just beautiful scenery driving up the coast.”


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