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Some lots will have free parking for St. Paddy's Day tomorrow evening

March 16, 2015

For the evening of St. Patrick's Day, the City of East Lansing will be providing free parking in specific lots and garages around the area.

Beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday evening and continuing until noon on Wednesday March 18, the selected places will offering free parking in an effort to support safe rides home and combat drunk driving:

Evergreen Avenue Parking Lot, 275 Evergreen Ave. (behind Peoples Church)
Meters only; entrance on Evergreen Avenue

Dublin Square Lot, 311 Albert Ave.
Entrance on Albert Avenue

East Lansing City Hall's West Parking Lot, 415 Abbot Road
Entrance on west side of Abbot Road

Bailey Street Parking Garage, 126 Bailey St.
Entrance on east side of Bailey Street between Grand River and Albert Avenues

In addition, Albert Avenue will have open taxi parking locations starting on 7 a.m. on Tuesday.

“We are providing free parking late in the day as a means of supporting downtown visitors who choose to take a safe ride home, whether they use public transportation, pay for a taxi or arrange a ride with a designated driver,” said East Lansing Downtown Management Board Coordinator Amy Schlusler.

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