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East Lansing City Hall to soon see increased security

March 19, 2015

East Lansing City Hall will soon undergo building updates to improve security.

Construction to the building that currently houses East Lansing City Hall, the East Lansing Police Department and the East Lansing 54-B District Court will begin this May. The improvements scheduled for completion in September include a metal detector and singular entry and exit points for visitors.

ELPD Lieutenant Steve Gonzales said the security updates are precautionary, and notes it is unique for a court building such as this one to have little to no physical security measures in place. 

“The city along with the district court have been working on a security plan to put in place as a whole,” Gonzales said. “It will definitely provide a greater level of safety for everyone who conducts business here.”

While anyone can enter any of the building’s doors right now, the update will designate the southwest corner of the building, located at the corner of Abbot Road and Linden Street, as the entry/exit point. This door is nearest to the courthouse, where most visitors are headed. All other doors in the building will be used as emergency exits only.

Signs inside and outside of City Hall will guide visitors to the entrance, where they will pass through a staffed metal detector upon entry. The security guard present will be checking bags and purses of those who enter.

City Manager George Lahanas notes that the cost of installing the metal detector and other security measures, will be significant. 

"It’s typical for courts to have this kind of entry screening," Lahanas said. "We have budgetary constraints but we have reached a point where we believe that regardless of the challenges in the budget we have to provide the level of security that people who visit a court are expecting."

Staffing the metal detector will cost upwards of $100,000 a year, and city council will have to move funding around in this year's and next year's budget but Lahanas is confident that it will work. 

Construction begins in May and could be completed as early as the end of August.

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