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MSU Police reveal new MSU Alert Portal

February 18, 2015

MSU Police revealed today their newly-implemented alert notification portal and announced new measures for emergency preparedness.

In a statement released on Facebook, the department said the draw of the new MSU Alert Portal is that users on- and off-campus can more easily update their contact information and tailor the way they'd like to receive emergency alerts and outreach messages.

Residents near campus and students' parents can sign up for these messages.

MSUPD also unveiled their plan to implement a quicker alert system after March 1 that will send out a short, vital message related to an emergency while a longer message is being written.

The department will also be replacing sirens around campus with speakers that have the ability to broadcast both severe weather warning sirens and vocal messages that tell students what actions to take in an emergency. This system is expected to be in place by April 1.

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