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Car crashes into River Park Apartments

December 7, 2014

Amanda Brunt was driving home from studying at the main library late Friday night when she got a call from a friend.

Her friend had seen on Snapchat a photo of a white Toyota sedan, crumpled around the corner of a walkout apartment's patio in River Park Apartments, where she lived. It was their apartment.

"I was just scared," Brunt, a political science and pre-law sophomore said. "I didn't know if my roommates were home or not."

Luckily, none were, and her apartment was mostly intact, save for a cracked wall. But it's unclear if the building suffered any structural damage, although officials warned residents off the balconies above the apartment.  

She and her roommates convened outside their apartment, where throngs of students and more than a half dozen police cars had gathered.

Police on the scene wouldn't say whether they're treating the crash as a criminal investigation, but officers searched the car once it was towed away from the building.

According to communications junior Jake Rexroat, the car's occupants didn't want to stay at the scene. 

Rexroat said when he heard the car crash, he told a friend to call 911 and ran outside of his apartment, which is just across the street.

"Two african american males fled the scene," Rexroat said. 

He and his roommate told two other male occupants to stay in the car, but when one tried to run, Rexroat chased and tackled him, witnesses said.

Rexroat stayed with the occupant until police arrived, then went back inside. When Brunt arrived at her apartment, the occupant was talking to police, but didn't appear to be getting arrested.

Both MSU and East Lansing police have not yet responded to requests for comment.

Continue checking for an update on the crash.

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