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Officer won't be charged in shooting of Mike Brown, linchpin of protests at MSU

November 25, 2014
<p>A protester walks by a St. Louis County police car that was set on fire along South Florissant Road in Ferguson following the announcement of the grand jury decision on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS)</p>

A protester walks by a St. Louis County police car that was set on fire along South Florissant Road in Ferguson following the announcement of the grand jury decision on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

In Ferguson, Missouri on Monday evening a grand jury announced they would not indict white police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of unarmed black man Michael Brown on Aug. 9.

The case was the focus of a protest held by student activists earlier this fall that attracted hundreds for a march from Beaumont Tower to East Lansing City Hall, where students and community members voiced allegations of brutality and racial bias among police.

The activists issued demands to which the East Lansing Police Department eventually responded to, shortly before a second, smaller protest.

While spurring unrest nationally, it's unclear what, if any, effect the ruling will have on the MSU activists' plans moving forward.

Almost immediately after the announcement, the MSU Black Student Alliance announced they would be painting the Rock on Farm Lane at midnight in response.

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