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Jeffery Taylor sentenced to probation for domestic assault

October 31, 2014

NBA player Jeffery Taylor was sentenced Thursday to 18 months of probation and ordered to pay $1,840 in fines and costs after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges of domestic assault and destruction of property Wednesday.

The Charlotte Hornets forward was sentenced by 54B District Court Judge Andrea Larkin.

Larkin said alcohol was a factor in Taylor's assault of his then-girlfriend, an MSU student, at the East Lansing Marriott at University Place. Larkin believed Taylor was in the beginning stages of alcohol abuse and prohibited him from purchasing or possessing alcohol during his probation period. Taylor will be required to carry a device that detects alcohol use for 60 days, and will then be tested randomly for the rest of his probation.

The conviction will stay off Taylor's record as long as he does not violate his probation. 

Taylor's attorneys said he has already begun a substance abuse program and paid restitution for damage he caused on the night of his arrest, the Lansing State Journal reported. Taylor is also required to complete a batterers intervention program in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he lives, and 80 hours of community service.

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