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November ballot candidates finalized

August 6, 2014

With more than 95 percent of precincts reporting in, the Republican and Democratic candidates on the East Lansing ballot for the upcoming November election have been finalized.

In the battle for Rep. Mike Rogers', R-Brighton, seat, Mike Bishop will contend as the Republican candidate against and Democrat Eric Schertzing, according to the Ingham County Clerk's Office.

The contest for the seat of term-limited state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, a MSU almuna, will be held between by Republican Craig Whitehead and Democrat Curtis Hertel Jr.

Incumbent state Rep. Sam Singh, D-East Lansing, will contend against Republican Frank L. Lambert to maintain the seat.

And with nearly 99 percent of precincts reporting in, the Capitol Area Transportation Authority will receive their millage renewal by a percentage of nearly 75 to 25.

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