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New Lululemon Athletica showroom brings yoga to growing community

August 6, 2014

The yoga-inspired, athletic apparel chain, Lululemon Athletica, opened a showroom in East Lansing over the weekend.

The showroom will act as a smaller version of the regular store. Nina Gardner, the community relations representative for Lululemon Athletica and a MSU alumna, said the store will still sell everything it does in the regular stores but in a smaller amount because of limited space.

She said prices range from $15 headbands to yoga pants priced at about $98. The showroom will only take payment in the form of debit or credit cards and is open every Thursday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Every Saturday, Lululemon Athletica will hold a complimentary yoga class from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. All community members are welcome to attend the class free of charge. 

"East Lansing is such a cool, vibrant community," Gardner said. "You have the university and so many others who call the area home. ... Fitness and yoga in general are really growing here — we couldn't be more excited to open here." 

Lululemon Athletica is the newest addition to an abundance of yoga studios in the area, but Gardner said these studios are not viewed as competition. Instead, they've formed a partnership to help with their complimentary classes.

Last weekend, instructors from Yoga State of Mind, Body & Soul in East Lansing helped with the complimentary class. Jennifer Hays, the owner of the studio and an instructor, said they will continue to help with the free classes.

"They're working with quite a few of the other studios in the area," Hays said. "They're very community-based and are trying to promote a community environment. As far as competition, we don't see them as that as much as we do a compliment to what we're already doing."  

She added their well-known brand could help attract others to the yoga scene, even though Lululemon Athletica is a store geared toward a higher-end demographic. 

Gardner said representatives for the showroom have already taken to the community to spread the word about everything the business has to offer. Other yoga studios, such as FLEXcity Fitness in Lansing, will assist in the complimentary classes, bringing an abundance of different styles of yoga to the showroom every week. 

Hays said she has noticed a spike in yoga studios since Yoga State of Mind, Body & Soul first opened nearly eight years ago. She added, in a college town setting where free yoga is even offered in the residence halls, she has seen the trend continue to rise. 

"Anyone can do (yoga)," she said. "People seem to think they need to be in shape or flexible or strong, but yoga actually makes you more flexible. ... I think Lululemon Athletica has a great way of reaching out to the community, and their way might encourage more people to try it. We need more of that everywhere." 

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