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Student allegedly knocked unconscious and robbed Sunday

May 6, 2014

The strong-arm robbery occurred on Albert Ave. at approximately 1:50 a.m. Sunday morning and resulted in hospitalization for the victim, police said.

The victim, who detailed his assault and robbery online, identified himself as a 6-foot-two, 210-pound male MSU student. He said he was knocked unconscious by two individuals, and awoke with $30 missing and a bleeding head wound.

East Lansing Police Captain Jeff Murphy said police were not alerted to the incident until 6 p.m on Sunday. Murphy said the victim sought treatment at Sparrow Hospital, where staff were required to report the incident to police.

Murphy said he believes the victim did not report the robbery because he had been drinking underage.

"Of course it's illegal to drink when you're under 21, but if you become the victim of a crime the (minor in possession) should be of the officer's least concern," Murphy said. "Just call us and tell us whats going on, the police are there to help you, it doesn't matter."

The incident is still under investigation. 

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