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Appropriations subcommittee to vote on funding

April 22, 2014

On Wednesday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee is expected to vote on a higher education funding recommendation that could increase MSU’s funding by 6.1 percent, but also fine the university $500,000 for its involvement with union-building workshops.

The subcommittee will convene on Wednesday and decide whether to approve the recommendation that would increase MSU’s state funding by nearly $15 million. The subcommittee initially planned to vote on the recommendation during its Tuesday meeting, but decided to reconvene Wednesday.

Included within the proposed appropriations are provisions that would increase state funding for MSU Extension and MSU AgBioResearch by 6.1 percent.

The current proposal from the Senate includes a state funding cut of $500,000 to MSU appropriations due to participating in “instructional activity that encourages or discourages union organizing of employees.”

Earlier this year, Gov. Rick Snyder recommended a 6.1 percent rise in higher education funding. Accordingly, the House and Senate drafted proposals based on the recommendation.

Enacting a higher education appropriation requires approval from the House, Senate and governor.

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