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Suspect charged with open murder in death of Dominique Nolff

March 20, 2014

McCoy was charged with open murder Thursday in 54-B District Court for allegedly killing Nolff in January.

Judge Andrea Larkin denied McCoy bond, citing his criminal history. It will be determined next week whether the case will go to trial.

When Larkin listed reasons for denying McCoy bond, she said he “caused death to a citizen of the city of East Lansing.”

McCoy interjected, replying “I didn’t do that,” but Larkin continued, adding “allegedly” to her statement.

McCoy also faces several other charges, including armed robbery and larceny, which were read to him in a video arraignment in East Lansing on Thursday afternoon.

He is accused of robbing Nolff and Corbin Holwerda at gunpoint with a 9mm pistol, stealing an Apple laptop and an unspecified amount of medical marijuana from their Cedar Street apartment after allegedly shooting both of them.

The multiple felonies carry a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole.

Larkin said McCoy will be charged as a habitual offender. She said he had “a criminal record rather extensive for someone that is only 19 years old.”

McCoy pleaded guilty in early 2013 to assaulting a police officer and was sentenced to one to four years in prison, according to court documents.

After nine months, McCoy was released on parole. East Lansing police Lt. Scott Wrigglesworth said he cut off the electronic tether used for tracking, violating his parole.

He was arrested in mid-February in Grand Rapids for running on parole.

Should the case go to trial, the open murder charge means McCoy could be convicted of first or second-degree murder or manslaughter if found guilty.

Because McCoy was in possession of a gun while on parole, two years could automatically be added onto his sentence. He also faces charges related to his parole absconsion in Kent County, where he is being held.


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