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Triplett appointed new East Lansing mayor Wednesday

November 20, 2013

More than two weeks after the East Lansing City Council was elected, former Mayor Pro Tem Nathan Triplett took over as mayor after new council members were sworn in Wednesday night.

Triplett was appointed by a unanimous vote by a council consisting of four women and himself. Joining the council were newcomers Ruth Beier and Susan Woods, both of whom won in Nov. 5 council elections by a large margin.

“I think tonight is less about the selection of mayor and more about having a new team,” Triplett said after he accepted the position. “In East Lansing, the mayor is essentially the providing officer of council…. basically, I see my primary role as mayor as helping facilitate a pro-active agenda with my fellow council members.”

Diane Goddeeris switched roles with Triplett and was appointed mayor pro tem unanimously.

“First, I’d like to say it’s an honor to have served as mayor of East Lansing for the past two years,” she said during the meeting. “The time between choosing the mayor and mayor pro tem is a different kind of week. I want to tell people that when the topic of a new mayor comes up, I want anyone who has council support to take that role.”

Triplett said the fact that both votes were unanimous is an encouraging sign.

“I’m very gratified that both the mayor and mayor pro tem votes were unanimous and I think the community should see that as a symbol of a group of people that are committed to move the city forward,” he said.

Triplett said he already feels the difference in the pressures of his new position.

“You feel the weight of responsibility in helping manage meetings and keeping an agenda moving forward,” he said. “I’m pleased, I’m gratified but more than anything I’m looking forward to working with this group of five.”

Goddeeris said she will enjoy having a little more free time without the extra responsibility of being mayor.

“It’s a little bit of a relief because you always have a weight on your shoulders,” she said. “I’m looking forward to having time to do all the things I haven’t had time to do.”

Woods, Beier and incumbent Kathleen Boyle were sworn in before the mayor and mayor pro tem were appointed.

The new council members were joined by their friends and family members for the ceremony.

Council members thanked their families for coming and ?supporting them during their campaigns, and said they looked forward to working with each other.

“I look forward to working this group — we won’t agree on everything but we always debate respectfully,” newly sworn-in ?council member Ruth Beier said.

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