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Riverboat party shut down by Lansing Fire Marshal's Office

November 3, 2013

A popular Lansing night club known as The Riverboat was shut down by the Lansing Fire Marshal’s Office Wednesday evening.

On Wednesday night, The Riverboat was playing host to a Halloween costume party for college students ages 18 and older, according to the company’s website.

The exact reasons the club shut down are unclear, although the boat’s owners insisted they made ample preparations in security and safety.

Some students were able to ride the boat as it went along its route multiple times, but others were not able to board at all before it was shut down.

The company reportedly had 1,200 tickets available for the event. The Riverboat’s largest ship has seating for 450 passengers.

Boat captain Chris Chamberlain said attendee overflow was meant to be contained in a large tent they had erected for the event.

Chamberlain said the company had discussed the event with the Fire Marshal’s Office previously and said officials had approved their preparations, but didn’t like the situation once a representative from the office arrived at the event.

The Lansing Fire Department declined to release an official statement, but an official did acknowledge that members of the Fire Marshal’s Office were present when The Riverboat was closed by authorities.

The official did not say whether further action would be taken.

Neuroscience sophomore Matt James said he felt safe for the two trips he took on the boat that evening.

James said he and others who attended the event were greeted by the sight of about 15 police patrol cars as security hurriedly ushered all the passengers off the boat.

“It was super crowded, there were people all over the place,” James said. “We got out and (the police presence) made it seem like we were in real big trouble. Inside, it was very calm, it was very happy.”

James said he never entered the tent and remained on the boat for the duration of his time at the event.

Chai Kinney attended the event with James and said things became more intense once authorities shut the event down.

“They tried to get everyone off the boat and they were really aggressive about it,” Kinney said.

Chamberlain said The Riverboat will offer full refunds to anyone who contacts them by phone or by email.

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