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Police reports: E. Lansing resident accused of assault had domestic abuse history

November 12, 2013

An East Lansing man accused of assaulting an MSU student had a history of domestic abuse, according to police reports obtained by The State News in a Freedom of Information Act request.

Samuel Roberts, 22, was arrested on Oct. 19 for allegedly attacking his ex-girlfriend, holding her at knifepoint in his apartment against her will and taking her cell phone. The victim told police in a statement that Roberts “usually gets abusive when he drinks.”

Roberts, arraigned on Oct. 21, was charged with unlawful imprisonment, assault with a dangerous weapon, interference with electronic communication and domestic violence.

His pretrial is scheduled for Dec. 3, with a preliminary examination following Dec. 6.

The victim told police she and Roberts had dated for about a year and been broken up for the same amount of time. That night, Roberts began to argue with her about “commitment issues,” she said in her statement to police.

When the victim tried to make a phone call, Roberts allegedly took her phone away from her.

She told police he threatened to kill himself, setting a knife down nearby and taking multiple painkillers. When she tried to leave, he repeatedly threw her around the room.

Roberts had a blood-alcohol level of .10 when he was arrested on the morning of Oct. 19. In his statement to police, he claimed she attacked him first, hitting him multiple times in the face and chest.

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