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Sexual assault pretrial Monday

October 20, 2013
<p>Oswald Scott Wilder</p>

Oswald Scott Wilder

The man who previously confessed to committing four sexual assaults in East Lansing will face a pretrial 2 p.m. Monday in Ingham County Circuit Court before Judge Rosemarie Aquilina.

Vernon, Mich., resident Oswald Scott Wilder, 26, was arrested in August for a series of attacks on four MSU students between March and May.

In addition to being charged as a habitual offender, Wilder was charged with one count of first degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of second degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of third degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of assault with intention to commit sexual penetration, one count of gross indecency and three counts of unlawful imprisonment.

During his preliminary exam last month, all four victims testified in court, admitting they could not identify Wilder based on his appearance.

Before his pretrial last month in 54-B District Court, Wilder submitted a handwritten confession.

He admitted to watching sexual fantasy abuse videos and using crack cocaine prior to a majority of the assaults.

If he is convicted on all counts, Wilder could face life in prison

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