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Police release sketch of Chandler Crossings robbery suspect

October 24, 2013

The Bath Township Police Department released a sketch for the suspect of an armed home invasion in the Village at Chandler Crossings.

According to a statement from the department, police received a call at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 15 from a group of students who said they were robbed at gunpoint.

An MSU police K-9 unit, along with the Dewitt Township Police Department and the Clinton County Sheriff’s Department, responded to the call and searched the area for the suspect but were unable to locate any suspicious activity.

Journalism junior Matt Ward told The State News in a previous interview the subject walked into his unlocked apartment with a gun, leading one of his roommates throughout the apartment as he took electronics, including an Xbox, a phone, an iPod and a laptop.

Ward said the suspect looked like a male in his 20s. He was described as wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt, dark pants and carrying a black backpack with an MSU Spartan helmet logo. Bath Township police could not confirm whether the suspect is an MSU student.

The suspect then ran out of the apartment, telling residents not to chase after him, Ward said.

Bath Township police Det. Gary Smith said he believes the robbery was an isolated incident.

Robert Kolt, a spokesman for Chandler Crossings, said the complex has intensified security measures as a result of the incident, lengthening security guard shifts to ensure safety.

Police have worked closely with the FBI’s field office in Lansing on the incident, which still is under investigation. Anyone with information regarding the robbery is encouraged to call Bath Charter Township police at 517-641-6271.

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