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Police: Chandler Crossings armed robbery suspect still on the loose

October 21, 2013

The Bath Township Police Department will soon release a sketch of a man who allegedly committed an armed robbery in Chandler Crossings last week.

Journalism junior Matt Ward said he and his three roommates were sitting in the living room of his apartment at about 6:30 p.m. Oct. 15 when a man walked through the door, gun in hand.

Ward said the man led his roommate around the apartment, grabbing electronics along the way.

Bath Township police Det. Gary Smith said he believes the incident is isolated.

Police canvassed the area for several hours on the night of the incident, searching around the building for the suspect.

Smith could not confirm whether the suspect has any MSU connections.

Ward said the suspect stole an Xbox, a cell phone, a laptop and a iPod before running outside.

He said the man looked to be in his early twenties.

“I was really scared, just because it’s a gun,” Ward said. “He ran to the door and told us not to come after him. We watched him walk across the parking lot and then run away.”

No preference sophomore Riese Weisberg, who lives in Chandler Crossings in a building adjacent to where the robbery occurred, said hearing about the incident deterred her from living in the complex again next year.

She said she and her roommates have become more cautious as a result.

“When we’re in the apartment, we lock it now,” Weisberg said. “It’s a safety precaution, but we shouldn’t feel like we have to do it.”

Robert Kolt, a spokesman for Chandler Crossings, said the complex has made changes to its security shifts in response to the incident to ensure residents’ safety.

“We have put in extra security measures to ensure people are well-protected around the clock and get what they need,” Kolt said.

The incident remains under investigation.

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