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Connor McCowan found guilty of second-degree murder

October 15, 2013
	<p>Karen Jordan hugs Judy McCowan, Connor McCowan&#8217;s mother, on Tuesday after the verdict at Ingham County County Circuit Court in Lansing. McCowan was found guilty of second-degree murder for stabbing <span class="caps">MSU</span> student Andrew Singler. Georgina De Moya/The State News</p>

Karen Jordan hugs Judy McCowan, Connor McCowan’s mother, on Tuesday after the verdict at Ingham County County Circuit Court in Lansing. McCowan was found guilty of second-degree murder for stabbing MSU student Andrew Singler. Georgina De Moya/The State News

A jury has found Okemos resident Connor McCowan guilty of second-degree murder in the stabbing of MSU student Andrew Singler.

McCowan was convicted of fatally stabbing Singler on Feb. 23 after a text messaging fight regarding Singler’s treatment of his girlfriend, McCowan’s sister Shay McCowan, led to physical blows.

Connor McCowan did not visibly react as the verdict was read Tuesday in Ingham County Circuit Court, and showed little emotion except to say, “I love you,” to his family as he was escorted from the courtroom.

The jury reached its verdict midway through their second day of deliberations.

Connor McCowan’s sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 6.

Check and tomorrow’s edition of The State News for more on this story.

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