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Wilder to face trial in circuit court

September 27, 2013
	<p>Vernon, Mich., resident Oswald Scott Wilder Jr. enters the court room Sept. 27, 2013, at the 54-B District Courthouse for his pretrial conference. Testimony from all four sexual assault victims was heard. Julia Nagy/The State News</p>

Vernon, Mich., resident Oswald Scott Wilder Jr. enters the court room Sept. 27, 2013, at the 54-B District Courthouse for his pretrial conference. Testimony from all four sexual assault victims was heard. Julia Nagy/The State News

The man who police believe committed four sexual assaults in East Lansing earlier this year will face trial in Ingham County Circuit Court after Judge Andrea Larkin heard testimony from each of his alleged victims Friday.

Oswald Scott Wilder Jr., 26, appeared before Larkin for his preliminary examination at 54-B District Court on Friday morning and now faces ten total charges. His case was sent to circuit court, and he is set to appear 8 a.m. on Oct. 9.

The Vernon, Mich. resident is accused of one count of first degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of second degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of third degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of assault with intention to commit sexual penetration, one count of gross indecency and three counts of unlawful imprisonment.

Ingham County Assistant Prosecutor Debra Rousseau said one of the two initial counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct was dismissed, and the unlawful imprisonment and third-degree criminal sexual conduct charges have been added. Wilder also is being charged as a habitual offender.

If he is convicted of these charges, Wilder will face life in prison. He is being held in the Ingham County Jail without bond.

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