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Notable crime cases to keep eye on in upcoming weeks

July 17, 2013

MSU has been in the spotlight for some of the more notable crime cases in the past year, with some getting close to the end. Here is a look at some crime cases that have gained attention in the past year.

Connor McCowan

19-year-old Okemos resident, Connor McCowan was accused of stabbing 23-year-old MSU student Andrew Singler on the night of Feb. 23. He was denied bond has been in the spotlight for some of the more notable crime cases in the past year, with some getting close to the end. Here is a look at some crime cases that have gained attention in the past year.

19-year-old Okemos resident, Connor McCowan was accused of stabbing 23-year-old MSU student Andrew Singler on the night of Feb. 23. He was denied bond in court June 18, which was set at $100,000, according to McCowan’s attorney, Chris Bergstrom.

Ingham County Circuit Judge Clinton Canady III ordered him to stay in jail until his trial, stating he was a flight risk. The incident took place after Singler texted a series of profane messages to McCowan. Singler was dating McCowan’s sister at the time of his death and texted McCowan expletives such as “slut” and “queer,” before McCowan reportedly drove to Singler’s Meridian Township apartment and stabbed him to death.

His pretrial conference will be on August 13, according to a representative from Ingham County prosecutor Stuart J. Dunnings’ office.

Dishon Ambrose

Detroit resident Dishon Ambrose, then 19 years old, was arrested after MSU freshman Olivia Pryor was found dead in her South Hubbard Hall dorm room last spring. Ambrose currently faces felony charges for selling or furnishing to a minor causing death and a felony charge of accessory after allegedly attempting to clean the crime scene.

The case was taken to the circuit court with enough evidence to go to trial, Dunnings’ representative said. The next court appearance will be on July 24 with a motion to quash the bind over, which will be an attempt to dismiss the charges, Dunnings said.

On the night of March 18, 2012, Ambrose, Pryor, Pryor’s roommate and 17-year-old Marquez Cannon reportedly consumed two bottles of tequila. Cannon then raped Pryor’s roommate in their dorm shower and raped Pryor while she was unconscious. Cannon was sentenced to six to 20 years in prison this past May.

Brandon Carmack

Saline, Mich., native Brandon Carmack, who allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend and accused MSU hockey team members of assaulting him, last appeared before Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina to accept a plea bargain- on May 22.

He was also awarded the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act status that morning, meaning when he completes probation he will not face any jail time or criminal records, Carmack’s attorney, William Hankins, said. “When he completes his term of probation, (there will be) no jail time (and) all of the charges he pled to will be dismissed,” Hankins said in a previous interview. “This plea agreement gave him the opportunity to get rid of most of his charges.

Carmack sought his ex-girlfriend, Therese Kerr, on the night of Aug. 27, eventually finding her at a house party. Several males at the party intervened, and Carmack originally told police he had been kicked, beaten and stabbed by members of the MSU hockey team.

Carmack will next appear in court for his sentencing, which is July 31 at 9 a.m., according to Ingham County Assistant Prosecutor Lisa McCormick.

Manuel Antonio Alvarado-Espino

Last November-, 32-year-old Lansing resident Manuel Antonio Alvarado-Espino was charged for allegedly sexually assaulting a female employee at Charlie Kang’s Restaurant, 127 E. Grand River Ave. Alvarado-Espino faces two charges of criminal sexual conduct in the first and second degree, a count of unlawful imprisonment and a count of interfering with electronic communications after he allegedly sexual assaulted a female in the bathroom of the restaurant. His sentencing was originally set on July 8, but was canceled and hasn’t been rescheduled yet, Ingham County Circuit Court Judicial Assistant Shawn Collins said.

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